Balancing Acts

By Beth Brown Ables Photograph by Marnie Hawson

Somewhere we confused "having it all" with balance...what we're looking for isn't across some impossible horizon—it's within arm's reach in the bottom of the soapy sink...

More In Volume 03

Volume 03

Volume 03 is a collection of stories and creative interviews centering around the theme of "Balance". Perfect bound, printed on 70 lb opaque uncoated, recycled paper with a sturdy soft touch cover.

Shipping & Handling to the US $3.50

Canada $10.00

Internationally $18.00

Promotional Photography by Jennifer Trovato

Packaged Set | Vol. 02, 03 & 04

Save When You Buy All Three Volumes

Three Volumes of Trouvé packaged together in white paper, tied with twine and a wax seal. Each magazine is printed on uncoated, recycled paper. Volume 04 explores the theme of "Processes" with interviews, studio and home tours, essays, and tips; Volume 02 is themed around "Creating With Intention", and Volume 03 explores "Balance".

$3.99 Shipping to the US

$19.00 Canada

$28.00 International

Promotional Photography by Jennifer Trovato